Nadja Schwendemann

Nadja Schwendemann

freie Illustratorin

Häradsbäck, Suecia

Nadja Schwendemann

Hi , my name is Nadja. I´m from germany but me and my family moved to sweden.
I look back on 20 years of professional experience as a preschool teacher.
In 2016 I finally took the step and turned to my dream job: the illustrator.

My characters are lively, colorful and drawn with love. They can be found in reading books, picture books, puzzles and on learning and work materials. I go through the world with open eyes and find my inspiration everywhere. I love to incorporate small details such as wallpaper patterns or soft toys that keep appearing in my illustrations.

My pictures are created digitally on the PC, IPadPro or Surface with Photoshop, so that I can respond quickly and easily to change requests. Here I love to combine different structures or brushes so that everything is a little more lively. I work quickly and reliably.

My customers include the publishers: Tessloff, moses, Carlsen Verlag, Pons (Klett), Haba (Habermaass), Oetinger Corporate, Kaufmann Verlag, Westermann (Austria), Verlag an der Ruhr, Cornelsen and Don Bosco Medien

Listas de cursos


Ficha profesional

Se unió en marzo de 2020