Lisa Weinsberger
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Lisa Weinsberger

I help businesses unlock their superpowers, by running problem-solving and decision-making workshops.

Viena, Austria

Lisa Weinsberger

My name is Lisa, and I’m an innovation consultant, design thinker, and workshopper (also known as a facilitator).
I run innovation and Design Thinking workshops to help teams unlock their superpowers, solve business problems, make decisions, and design better products, faster.

I am based in Vienna, Austria – but I run remote innovation workshops for corporates and startups all over the world, and lead international businesses like Ikea, Novartis, Usersnap and Talent Garden through collaborative design processes.

After studying design and working as a designer for 15 years – I felt the pain of being a designer, stuck in endless feedback loops and projects involving too many stakeholders, and feeling I had little impact to drive my projects to success like I’ve envisioned.

So, 5 years ago - I quit. I started my own innovation business, and moved away from design execution towards design leadership – using Design Thinking as my toolbox and Innovation workshops as my method.

Today, I am ready to teach you what I know, so it doesn’t take you years but rather a couple of days to implement Design Thinking. My hands-on, battle-tested Design Thinking process is designed to save you valuable time, resources, money and pain. I will show you how to lead, co-create and drive efficient and successful design projects from start to finish, so you can design better products, faster - together with your clients and teams, just like me.

I’m excited to show you how to fast-track your design process using a human-centered Design Thinking approach, and encourage you to fully step into your creative leadership.

Are you ready to level up and stand out as a designer? Let’s go! :D

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Se unió en abril de 2020