Sassa Voulgari

Sassa Voulgari

Atenas, Grecia

Sassa Voulgari

I am a Professional Storyteller. Also a Storytelling Coach.
As a storyteller I tell mostly traditional stories to both adults and children and help people who approach me find their own way on storytelling. I have wonderful and long-term collaborations with great Μuseums in Athens and also with important Cultural Institutions giving performances and seminars. I have developed my very own Method in the Teaching of Storytelling Technique with elements of Self-Knowledge. I had to invent my Storytelling Technique as when I started my first professional steps it was the time when traditional storytelling was dying in Greece. When I said I was a storyteller people were laughing because they couldn’t understand!
I am now looking to extend my work which I love deeply to new horizons - and why not - even beyond Greece and to share the wonderful Greek traditional fairy tales with the whole world as a dynamic tool of Self-Knowledge.



Se unió en enero de 2021