Jon Contino

When the world’s leading brands need to leave a lasting impact, they turn to New York native Jon Contino. As founder and creative director of CONTINO, a no-limits independent branding studio, Jon has produced award-winning work for household names including Nike, MillerCoors, American Eagle, Coca-Cola, 20th Century Fox, AT&T, and Sports Illustrated.

His distinctive style is defined by its humanity, eschewing antiseptic lines and prefab typefaces in favor of creating emotional connections through raw, honest expression. He has built a reputation as the industry’s hardest-working designer since his mid-teens, and has over two decades of experience at the highest level. His often-imitated work has influenced a generation of designers, and helped define the modern lens through which we view our increasingly design-centric world.

Jon's ability to distill a brand down to its essence and express it through his unique blend of minimalist illustration and unmistakable hand-lettering has earned him the respect of fellow designers, creative directors, and many of the most influential minds in branding. He has received some of the industry’s most prestigious honors, including a Design & Decoration Building Stars of Design award, a Clio Key Art award, a Cannes Lion award, and ADC’s Young Guns award, just to name a few.

In 2018, Jon published his first book, Brand by Hand, in partnership with Abrams Books.

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  • Branding: diseña logos originales a mano

    Descubre cómo lograr una conexión emocional a través de diseños impactantes que reflejen el estilo y la personalidad de una marca

    Un curso de Jon Contino, Diseñador gráfico, ilustrador y director creativo del estudio de branding CONTINO

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Se unió en marzo de 2021