James Tralie

I'm a director, 3D artist and animator based in Washington, D.C. I work as a producer and animator at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center to create visualizations, documentaries, and animations in support of all the planetary science missions. I work at the intersection of science and art to create dreamy, otherworldly scenes and immersive content. I excel at explaining complex scientific discoveries and concepts in the form of short, animated content. With my 3D design work, I seek to capture the confluence of the built and natural worlds through inviting, relaxing places and spaces.
Some of my clients include Taco Bell, Facebook, Nissan, Fiji Water, Apple, Marriott, NVIDIA, Adobe, Warner Music, and Zara.

Profesor de

  • Render de escenas 3D fotorrealistas con Blender

    Aprende a renderizar espacios 3D con técnicas creativas de iluminación, modelado y texturizado y convierte lo que ven tus ojos en llamativos mundos imaginarios

    Un curso de James Tralie, Productor y animador

    Gratis por 3 días
    Comprar $0.99USD
    96% Dto. Precio original $24.99USD


Se unió en noviembre de 2021