Grace Frösén
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Grace Frösén

Lettering Artist

Cambridge, Reino Unido

Grace Frösén

I'm a lettering and doodling artist originally from the Philippines and currently based in the UK.

I’ve always been fascinated by letters, typography, cartoons, and line drawings. I love looking at them, but I never thought that I could be a person that actually created them. I didn’t know the first thing about art, plus never had any formal training in it. So I always thought that I was just going to be a spectator and not an active participant.

Long story short, that hobby expanded into a career that I am passionate about. I taught myself by reading, seeing what other artists are doing on Instagram, watching YouTube videos, trying to replicate letters, and then adding my own twist to them. To keep myself accountable because I wanted to practice and create something everyday, I would post on Instagram. I started with 8 followers in 2016. I slowly started gaining an audience from there. I started getting clients and people interested in purchasing my work. I also started getting features in places like Buzzfeed’s Nifty Page, NowThis, and InsiderArt.

I mainly create easy-to-follow lettering and doodling workbooks for people like me who need a way to jump into this hobby. I also create custom work for clients and companies who reach out to me.

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Se unió en marzo de 2021