Fatima Onofri

Fatima Onofri

Art director

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Fatima Onofri

Fatima has a degree -honorable mention- in Fashion and Textile Design at UADE (2007); and a Master´s degree in Design Sociology at UBA (FADU). She also studied Animation film at Escuela Da vinci (2012).
At present, she studies a Master´s degree in Contemporary Artistic Textile Practices, at UNA.
Free-lance: creator of FAONOFRI Art Studio, where since 2013 she works as a graphic designer, audiovisual dg, textile dg, illustrator, visual artist, among others. The studio is now collaborating in educational, artistic and desing projects with PhD Karina Maddonni. One of her textile artworks was a point of interest for a great artist and fashion designer: Martin Churba, with whom she now works and collaborate in different textile projects. This last collaboration propulse her to work with Jessica trosman, a great artist and fashion designer too.
Labour dependence: Since 2009 she has been working and gaining professional experience in fashion and textile argentinian companies (CHEEKY; VER); since 2016 she performs as Product and Textile manager in an important bed linen company supervising developments and mentouring other designers (Grupo Nathan - Palette, Jean Cartier & Alcoyana Brands).


Se unió en febrero de 2022