Eva-Lotta Lamm
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Eva-Lotta Lamm

Designer & Visual Thinker

Berlín, Alemania

Eva-Lotta Lamm

Eva-Lotta Lamm is a designer, author and visual thinker. After a 15-year-long career as a UX / digital product designer working in Paris and London for Google, Skype, and Yahoo!, she shifted her professional focus to her life-long passion of visual thinking.

She is now based in Berlin, running her own business designing (physical and digital) products that teach a global audience to use sketching as a tool for understanding, thinking and communicating more efficiently. Her mission is to empower people to make the complex problems they face in their work and daily life visual so they can ‘see’ them from a fresh perspective and solve them with more confidence, creativity and clarity.

Eva-Lotta is a sought after expert in her field. She is regularly speaking at international design conferences on the topics sketching, sketchnoting and visual thinking and has been teaching her craft both in-person and online for over a decade (evalotta.shop/courses).

In her spare time, Eva-Lotta practices yoga and improvisation, loves travelling, languages and learning new things. These passions have inspired several of her books capturing her experiences in the form of rich visual notes (evalotta.shop/collections/books).

Profesor de

  • Sketchnoting: comunícate con notas visuales

    Aprende a combinar texto y bocetos para plasmar conferencias y otros contenidos a la vez que escuchas y visualízalos de forma estructurada en notas expresivas

    Un curso de Eva-Lotta Lamm, Diseñadora

    Gratis por 3 días
    Comprar $0.99USD
    96% Dto. Precio original $24.99USD



Se unió en octubre de 2020