Alberto Urra Ríos

Alberto Urra Ríos

Artist Senior Designer

Madrid, España

Alberto Urra Ríos

I´m a senior graphic designer and sculptor from Menorca, Spain. I specialise in brand and corporative design. For many years I´ve developed designs for many international brands such as Givenchy or Disney.
Landed in the UK in 2012 after coming back from a sabbatical year in French Polynesia and had the privilege to work in one of the top media and marketing companies in the UK. The Smart Marketing & Media Group. This opportunity brought me several incredible projects that I´ve developed such as IWDRO.ORG, ZOO.MEDIA, DISCOVERBKK.COM, GOINGOUT.COM and many hundreds of other non-inhouse projects. Now I´m back in Menorca with more skills than ever before and ready to continue studying JavaScript, C and Phyton. Happy coding!

Ficha profesional

Se unió en febrero de 2022