Beatriz Morera López

Beatriz Morera López

Front End React Developer

Barcelona, España

Beatriz Morera López

My 10 years career as a visual artist made me curious about Web Design and Development, so I have been studying non-stop everything needed to build interactive web applications.

I quickly became fascinated by CSS code, animations and technologies to add dynamic interactions to my UIs. So in order to create rich and engaging web apps, fast and efficiently, with minimal coding, I learned React. Since then I always choose this library for my projects, because of its useful features, easy adaptability and wide use.

As a Front-end Developer I enjoy bringing ideas to life in the browser. I value simple content structure, clean design patterns, and thoughtful interactions. In my spare time I like to solve JavaScript challenges on Edabit and check A Collections looking for inspiration.


Ficha profesional

Se unió en marzo de 2020