I'm Natasha, a social media manager turned Instagram educator, speaker, podcaster, mentor, and coach.
After managing content for service providers and physical product brands, I discovered the importance of building an Instagram strategy and plan based on your business goals instead of gimmicky growth hacks or what’s working for your peers. As I started to show up as my authentic self and fell in love with video, I grew my community from 0 to 39K+ followers with similar results for my business’ impact and income.
Over the last 5 years, I’ve been implementing that framework for my clients including coaches, service providers, and physical products brands as a coach, speaker, and educator. I've partnered with brands like Create & Cultivate, Adobe, Social Media Examiner, Later, Business Insider, and even Instagram's Creators account.
Storytelling Strategies for Instagram Reels
Improve your storytelling on Instagram by learning to capture, edit, and share strategic video content that drives engagement and grows your business
A course by Natasha Samuel, Instagram Strategist
Buy $0.99USD 80% Disc.Original price $4.99USD
Professional listing
- Natasha Samuel – @shinewithnatasha
- Video Content Coach
- shinewithnatasha.com/