Experimental Oil Painting Techniques for Portraiture
A course by Andrés Kal
Learn to use unconventional tools and methods to compose expressive portraits from a reference photo and transform them with colorful strokes
- 3,389
- 98% (89)
Pop Culture Oil Painting with a Surreal Twist
A course by Bob Dob
Learn to create surreal oil paintings inspired by everyday culture, from the initial concept to the final glaze
- 696
- 94% (16)
Expressive Monochromatic Oil Portraits
A course by Gustavo Velasco
Learn the technique of monochromatic oils and create expressive portraits that capture the power of your gestures and the quality of the materials
- 2,490
- 97% (78)
Introduction to Realistic Oil Portraiture
A course by Laura Cuadros
Learn to paint faces from scratch and bring detailed characters to life
- 3,719
- 99% (154)