Writing Short Stories Based on Personal Experience. Writing course by María José Caro

Writing Short Stories Based on Personal Experience

A course by María José Caro

Create fictional stories based on your memories and turn your anecdotes into unforgettable tales

  • 2,726
  • 97% (31)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Visual Thinking: Organize and Present Powerful Ideas. Marketing, and Business course by Hermen Lutje Berenbroek

Visual Thinking: Organize and Present Powerful Ideas

A course by Hermen Lutje Berenbroek

Design a visual language that communicates concepts in an engaging way, by learning to explore ideas and structure information effectively

  • 9,558
  • 98% (233)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD
Storytelling Techniques for Conveying a Message. Marketing, Business, and Writing course by Gabriel García de Oro

Storytelling Techniques for Conveying a Message

A course by Gabriel García de Oro

Discover the most powerful tool for effectively communicating your brand, business, or work through emotions

  • 18,488
  • 98% (707)
95% Disc.
Original price $19.99USD