Embroidered Portraits in Watercolor
A course by Mariah Escossia
Learn to paint different skin tones by combining watercolors on fabric to add texture to your piece through embroidery
- 4,392
- 100% (290)
Freestyle Embroidery on Tulle for Beginners
A course by Ignacia Jullian
Learn to create your own designs on tulle by exploring the different uses this material has to offer and applying them to a variety of mediums
- 6,791
- 100% (221)
Needle Embroidery: Create a Natural Composition
A course by Zélia Smith
Create a delicate plant pattern full of texture and originality with traditional embroidery techniques
- 1,772
- 100% (73)
Embroidery and Color: Create Textile Landscapes
A course by Célia Bruneau
Learn to embroider with different colors and stitches to make a decorative cushion or other textile piece inspired by a natural landscape
- 916
- 96% (28)
Raised embroidery using the knot lace technique
A course by Adriana Torres
Discover the needle knitting method and learn the art of knot embroidery
- 5,793
- 99% (94)
Embroidery Techniques: Illustrating with Needle and Thread
A course by Yolanda Andrés
Learn to illustrate any image with a variety of embroidery techniques
- 10,561
- 98% (722)
Embroidery and Fabric Painting for Beginners
A course by Polina Oshu
Use colorful markers and embroidery threads to create garments and decorations that express your personality
- 4,070
- 99% (85)
Realistic Embroidery Techniques
A course by Emillie Ferris
Learn how to create realistic embroidered pieces using the long and short stitch technique
- 36,943
- 99% (1.3K)